Stadler completes installation of new mechanical sorting plant of CA NA PUTXA, IBIZA


STADLER has designed and installed the new 50,000 m 2 mechanical waste sorting plant that will serve the island of Ibiza. The facility was commissioned in December 2020 by UTE (temporary consortium) GIREF, which is charged with the planning, construction and management of the facilities for the Ibiza and Formentera Waste Management Plan.

Toni Roig, the new facility’s manager for UTE GIREF, states: “We put out to tender the
supply of the equipment and we analyzed various proposals. STADLER, a company with a
prestigious reputation in the design, supply and installation of equipment we had already
worked with, submitted the best proposal – both technically and economically – with a
solution that met our requirements.”

Sustainable criteria have guided the design and construction of the facility, which is located
in Ca na Putxa, near the island’s landfill site. Water obtained by a process of osmosis from
landfill leachate was used to mix the concrete. The plant’s air purifying system uses a biofilter for odor elimination. The installation of photovoltaic panels on the roofing of the 30,000 m 2 covered area is planned.

The sorting plant consists of three automated lines. Two twinned lines are used to sort urban solid waste and light packaging on separate shifts. A third, independent line is dedicated to organic waste from segregated collection and uses the latest sorting technologies for biological treatment processes.

Luis Sánchez, STADLER Operations Director in Spain, says: “The process uses the latest
technology to increase recovery rates and sort the majority of the recyclable materials.” The facility is designed to process up to 120,000 tons of urban solid waste, 6,000 tons of
packaging and 20,000 tons of organic waste from segregated collection.

The facility aims to comply with European waste treatment regulations, and strives to be a
model for sustainable operation and for raising public awareness. To this end, the complex
includes a conference room with interpretation facilities to host guided visits and outreach
“STADLER has supported us and provided specialist advice throughout the plant start-up
process. This has enabled us to achieve optimal waste treatment ratios in record time. Based on our experience, we can say that STADLER is synonymous with professionalism,” adds Toni Roig.

STADLER, cutting-edge technology for sorting optimization
STADLER facilities feature the most innovative sorting technologies to increase the
sustainability of the process, reduce the need for landfills and, ultimately, foster a circular
Thanks to these advanced technologies in the Ca na Putxa plant, after sorting and bag
opening, the waste can be fed into the screening process, which uses trommels to separate
fractions that are mostly organic from those that have a high content of packaging and
recyclable materials. The organic material is then refined on two lines to obtain maximum
quality compost and biostabilized waste through a biological treatment process.
The other materials are processed through ballistic separators. Depending on their rigidity,
they are fed into the different optical sorting, and ferrous and non-ferrous sorting chutes.
Having gone through quality control, the sorted materials are stored in automated bunkers for baling at a later stage. The output at the end of the process consists of PET, PEAD, PEBD, PP, TETRAPACK, P/C, organic film, iron and aluminium fractions, and waste.

“We are very happy we chose STADLER to supply the equipment. They have been
extremely professional from the very beginning and have overcome all the challenges that
come from being on an island location. The Covid-19 global pandemic hit as we were in the
midst of the installation process. Even so, they rigorously complied with all the safety
protocols, both when the installation work resumed and when they sent their staff as soon as it was possible. This enabled us to achieve all the project’s objectives in spite of the
difficulties,” concludes Toni Roig.

STADLER is dedicated to the planning, production and assembly of sorting systems and
components for the waste disposal and recycling industry world-wide. Its team of over 450
qualified employees offers a tailor-made full service, from conceptual design to planning,
production, modernisation, optimisation, assembly, start-up, conversions, disassembly,
maintenance and servicing of components to complete recycling and sorting systems. Its
product range includes ballistic separators, transport conveyor belts, screening drums and
label removers. The company is also able to provide steel structures and electrical switch
cabinets for the plants it installs. Founded in 1791, this family-run company’s operation and
strategy is underpinned by its ethos of delivering quality, reliability and customer satisfaction, being a good employer and providing strong social support.
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